This contemporary design is all about simplicity.
Built with laminated yellow cedar this bed is simply boxes on boxes. Box miters are utilised rather than dove tails so that it may be disassembled & reassembled by anyone without fear of damaging the corners.
Radiata pine plywood is used for the slats.
Simply tap together with a rubber mallet and the corners lock together.
The lower boxes are put together with glue to provide a rigid base.
The entire bed frame is spray lacquered.
Built with clear White Pine and Radiata Pine plywood this reverse cove Shaker concept built in compliments this modernist loft home.
What is Shaker about? It is about vanity and the attempt to hide it from the outside world. On the exterior is a more austere modernist detail, however once opening the doors the beauty of a reverse cove reveals itself in purely pragmatic fashion to the user and not the onlooker. This also eliminates the use of handles which can also be considered proud and vane. Shadow lines and the depth created become the predominant feature in a modernist sense which sings in it’s crisp details.
Austerity and simplicity in detail is what this writing desk is all about.
Rather than using European hinges or add on hinges old fashioned brass plated piano hinges were utilized creating visual harmony.
Each box is a separate unit which can be lifted out of it’s base and be used in other spaces for group seating as was the requirement in creating these units.
No shortage of space here whatsoever.
Visually light and airy these units fit in visually tone wise with Douglas Fir floors.
A visual trick which cannot be seen it the photos yet is on the toe kick. Short pieces of Douglas Fir were upturned in the same direction as the floor making the base boxes seem to float in the air.